Thursday, 22 September 2011

Solar electricity

Yesterday we had solar electricity panels installed on our roof.

We designed our house from the beginning to have all the living areas on the north side, we both hate the dark  how dark our rental house is and really wanted to take advantage of all that free sunshine power!

We had quite a bit of trouble arranging with the builder to allow us to install the panels before handover. They eventually changed their minds when we said we would take responsibility for any damage caused by the solar company.

So now we have 8 panels on our roof awaiting the electricity company to turn them on. Hopefully it will happen in the next week - because after the 30th Sept, the buy back tariff will change from 60cents per kilowatt to 25cents a kilowatt. Even if it isn't all connected by the 30th, we will still save a packet on our electricity bills.

The inverter is so much less obtrusive as the one we had on our last house ~ it was fire engine red, and right by the front door!

It is tucked around the corner of the house, next to the meter box.

We have purchased a larger inverter, so that when we can afford it we can add another 8 panels to our system, and save even more money!

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